Week 13 Update:

  1. Bug Fixes:
    • Address a bug where humans can reroll unlimited times in certain cases after rolling a 6.
    • Fix the issue where humans are unable to reroll after rolling a 6 and opting to leave a node from the base.
    • Correct the problem where dice do not reset to their original state after the CPU rolls a 6 or 12.
    • Resolve the issue of dice values being counted before they have completely stopped.
  2. Game Enhancements:
    • Implement the 'NO_PLAYER' option in the game manager to allow selection of available players for each game.

Week 12 Update:

New game mechanics:

  • Even Rolls (Not 6 or 12):
    • The player can choose to move a stone out of the base or move a stone that is already outside.
    • After moving, the turn ends, and it switches to the next player.
  • Odd Rolls:
    • If there is at least one stone outside, the player must move one of these stones.
    • After moving, the turn ends, and it switches to the next player.
    • If there are no stones outside, the turn ends immediately, switching to the next player without moving.
  • Rolls of 6 or 12:
    • The player can choose to move a stone out of the base or move a stone that is already outside.
    • After moving, the player gets a re-roll.
    • If the re-roll is again 6 or 12, repeat this process.
    • If the re-roll is not 6 or 12, follow the normal process for even or odd rolls as described in points 1 and 2. After moving, the turn ends, and it switches to the next player.

Fix the bug: sometimes when spawns are kicked off will return to the other color’s base

Week 11 Update:

Incorporate distinct audio effects for dice rolling and specific movement sounds for different colors' spawn movement.

Fixed bugs causing game freezes and unreported wins by considering overlooked conditions and adding a for loop to count pieces in the winning route

Week 10 Update:

Double Dice as a new machine for the game to speed the game process, rewrite and refactor all dice relative code, and fix the buff caused by 2nd dice added.

Added a slider so that the players are able to change the game’s speed.

Changed moving condition from players are only able to move when 6 is rolled to players can move only if an even number is rolled.

Week 9 Update:

Introduced a special block as a reward. When the spawn reaches this goal block, an additional random move between 4 to 6 is granted to accelerate the game.

Implemented a starting page allowing players to select between entering the actual game or accessing the tutorial section.

The tutorial is divided into two segments: a slideshow-style tutorial with images and text explaining how to play Ludo, followed by an interactive mini version of Ludo for hands-on practice.

Week 8 Update:

Add a new camera that can zoom in and out 

Add transparent walls to limit the camera and dice moveable areas

Added a “sandbox” to the play area so it looks more realistic

Added a game over screen when at least 3 players are done. The game over screen also displays the winners (top 3)

Week 7 Update:

CPU (AI) player is available.

It reacts as following priority logic:

1. Move the pawn that can kick off others’ pawn

2. Move the pawns from base.

3. Move the movable pawn.

Add a menu screen to choose players

Added screen to display each turn's info

Week 6 Update:

Incorporate all four color pawns.

Introduce a button to roll the dice.

Integrate a 'kick-off' mechanism: If a pawn lands on a block already occupied by another pawn, the arriving pawn will kick the existing pawn off the block.

Establish a victory condition: The first player to get all four pawns into the final four blocks of their route wins the game.

Week 5 Update:

Revise Game Topic and Core Loop Structure:

Input: Initiate a turn by pressing enter.

Action: Players’ pawns advance based on a randomized number simulating a dice roll.

Obstacle: Encountering an opponent’s pawn in the same space forces the player to reset their pawn to the starting point, losing all progress.

Goal: The objective is to reach the home blocks, corresponding with the color of the players’ pawns, as swiftly as possible (refer to the attached image).


This week, players can press 'space' to move the red pawn, which will progress 1 - 6 steps randomly. The Dice Display function is currently experiencing issues and has been temporarily replaced with a random number function; we aim to resolve this in the upcoming week.

Week 4 Update: 

Terrain now generates randomly with each load, while tree and ocean levels remain consistent. Additionally, the dynamic camera responds to mouse movement for enhanced immersion(move, rotation with mouse button).

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